第三十八讲丨Xavier Font:Marketing and Communication of Sustainability Practices(视频回顾)
报告题目:Marketing and Communication of Sustainability Practices
报告人:Xavier Font 教授,英国萨里大学教授SSCI一区期刊 Journal of Sustainable Tourism 主编
Prof Xavier Font is a world leader in sustainable tourism (Google Scholar citations >14,800 h-index 60). Prof Font was the institutional PI for a 24.5m Interreg project on sustainable tourism product design to reduce seasonality (2019-23). He has consulted for four UN agencies, International Finance Corporation, DG ENV, DG Growth, EURAid…He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism (Q1, ABS3, JCR impact factor=6.9). He has supervised 25 PhD students to completion, and examined 31 PhD theses.
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